
Showing posts from January, 2019

How to create delimited string from node set

Scenario:  Input: <books>           <book>SOA</book> </books> <books>             <book>OSB</book> </books> Expected output:         SOA, OSB Use  oraext:create-delimited-string in Assign activity  It is not available in function list ,manually copy into expression box.

How to get only numbers from string in XSLT

To get only numeric value from input string we can use translate  function in XSLT.   <ns0:result>             <xsl:value-of select="translate ( /ns0:process/ns0:input , translate ( /ns0:process/ns0:input , '0123456789', '' ), '')"/>                  </ns0:result> /ns0:process/ns0:input is having string  from which numeric value should be get. nested translate function will work as below.  Inner translate(). This produces all characters of the string, except digits.  Outer translate(). This deletes from the string all characters produced by the inner translate(). What remains is just the wanted characters (the digits).

Java DB connection in jdeveloper

1. Click on windows  and select database as shown below. 2. click on IDE connection in database navigator and select new connection. 3. database  connection window will open 4. select Java DB/Apache Derdy  for connection type. 5. provide below details for user name and password. Username -  soainftra Password - Leave blank Driver Class - org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver HostName - localhost  Database Name - soinfra 6. test connection. connection should be success.